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Embracing an upper/lower training split proves to be a compelling choice for a multitude of reasons, each contributing to a comprehensive and effective fitness journey. Firstly, the increased training frequency inherent in the upper/lower split sets the stage for accelerated strength and muscle gains. By seamlessly alternating between upper and lower body workouts, diverse muscle groups receive more frequent attention throughout the week.

The upper/lower split offers a strategic solution for those with demanding schedules. Requiring fewer training days compared to traditional body part splits, this approach optimises time efficiency without compromising the effectiveness of workouts. This is particularly advantageous for individuals navigating busy lifestyles, providing an accessible avenue for achieving fitness goals.

A pivotal element of the upper/lower split lies in its commitment to optimal recovery. The alternating focus on upper and lower body workouts allows specific muscle groups to recuperate while others undergo training. This deliberate approach not only reduces the risk of overtraining but also sets the foundation for sustained progress and injury prevention.

Versatility is a hallmark of the upper/lower split, making it adaptable to a spectrum of training goals. Whether the emphasis is on strength, hypertrophy, or a blend of both, the flexibility in exercise selection and volume accommodates individuals at varying fitness levels, ensuring a tailored and effective training experience.

Lastly, the upper/lower split prioritise compound movements to efficiently build strength and muscle mass. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead press engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, offering a comprehensive and time-efficient approach to achieving your fitness goals. Elevate your fitness journey with our programme that not only aligns with your goals but also propels you towards lasting success.

Programme Details

  • 14-week cycle
  • 12 weeks of training with 2x deload weeks factored in
  • 2 days on one day off
  • Each session should take no longer than 90 minutes including a warm up


This is a 14-week programme which has been split into 3 training cycles, factoring in two vital deload weeks.

The reason we have broken this programme down into 3 main parts is to allow for a variation of exercises to keep the body guessing in order to consistently make progress week in week out.


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