Full Body

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Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or are a seasoned athlete, the Built By Spectre Full Body programme provides substantial potential for improving both strength and muscle mass. The programmes comprehensive Full Body split allows for the targeting of all major muscle groups in a single session, ensuring more frequent and intense stimulation for each muscle group.

The alternating heavy and light upper/lower workouts, combined with variations in rep range and intensity, play a crucial role in facilitating maximum recovery which is an essential factor for building quality muscle and strength. A typical Full Body workout includes sessions of either heavy upper and light lower or heavy lower and light upper, optimising efficiency for individuals with busy schedules who seek comprehensive training within a shorter time frame compared to other split routines.

The Built By Spectre Full Body approach places a strong emphasis on compound movements that contribute to functional strength. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead pressing not only build muscle but also enhance overall physical performance, providing a significant return on investment.

Designed with beginners in mind, our Full Body training programme introduces a variety of exercises and movement patterns. This gradual approach helps individuals familiarise themselves with fundamental movements while steadily building strength and endurance. Additionally, the workouts are programmed to be effective with minimal equipment, making them accessible for individuals with limited access to a gym or specific training tools.

In summary, the Built By Spectre Full Body programme offers a time-efficient, well-rounded, and adaptable approach to fitness. Whether your goal is to build muscle and strength, improve overall conditioning, or enhance functional fitness, a carefully designed Full Body programme can be a valuable and effective component of your successful training regime.

Programme Details

  • 14-week cycle
  • 12 weeks of training with 2x deload weeks factored in
  • Each session should take no longer than 90-120 minutes including a warm up


This is a 14-week programme which has been split into 3 training cycles, factoring in two vital deload weeks.

The reason we have broken this programme down into 3 main parts is to allow for a variation of exercises to keep the body guessing in order to consistently make progress week in week out.

The programme offers two distinct scheduling alternatives to accommodate varying training flexibility needs. We provide an option for three days per week, and a more intensive option of three to four days per week.


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